SMEC will review the Solomon Islands new domestic seaport terminal proposed design (pictured).

SMEC has been engaged by the Solomon Islands Port Authority to review the proposed design for a new domestic seaport terminal in the port thoroughfare of Honiara in the Solomon Islands.

The new building is part of the port authority’s ongoing efforts to modernise domestic seaport travel and improve the terminal’s facilities for people travelling in and out of the capital city.

Hosting numerous services and attractions for port users, the proposed three-storey design’s first floor will feature cafés and shops, the second will house a public viewing gallery and ticketing offices, and the third will be dedicated to terminal offices.

In assessing the design against Australian standards SMEC will review the terminal’s architectural design with an inclusive lens and proof the space in compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act.

Our team will also conduct a thorough review of the terminal’s proposed structures, mechanical design, and electrical layout, including the requirements for a standby generator, and undertake a thorough safety and functionality analysis of the terminal’s proposed water and fire services.

SMEC has operated in the Solomon Islands since 1977. Our first project in the Solomon Islands designed and implemented a national training program for local personnel in road, bridge, and air strip construction.

Since then, SMEC has been involved in various projects including institutional studies, the Lungga power generation expansion project, and a development program to increase the standard of living in rural communities.