SMEC provides world class infrastructure projects around the world with a focus on the economy, sustainability and local communities.

Our technical knowledge and expertise ensure the highest standard of care and advice in protecting the environment, and balancing the needs of the community, the environment and economic viability. We provide a broad range of environmental services, both independently, and in conjunction with other disciplines. Our team has extensive experience with:

  • ADB SPS, EQUATOR, IFC and in-country social and environmental requirements;
  • Working under challenging conditions and managing multi-disciplinary project teams in different regions;
  • Capability and experience in social and environmental assessment, mitigation, management plans and compliance monitoring; and
  • Due diligence auditing



Resettlement is a highly sensitive issue with competing economic, social and political interests. As such, we adopt a participatory community involvement approach and apply international standards and the best practice to examine the scope, causes, and impacts of resettlement, and to understand how financers, governments, companies and local communities can improve safeguards for affected people. SMEC provides a range of resettlement and livelihood restoration programs services including:

  • Household land survey and impact assessment
  • Property survey validation
  • Data management systems for property inventory
  • Assistance in valuation of property, crop and fertility loss for land compensation
  • Baseline socio-economic surveys of the project areas
  • Preparation of social impact, mitigation, resettlement, livelihood restoration, and community development plans
  • Resettlement and livelihood restoration auditing


SMEC conducts an in-depth analysis of the full social and community impact of each project, and ensures each milestone is managed alongside local values to increase project success. Our team has delivered more than 80 social impact assessments across multiple sectors and jurisdictions. Such depth of experience ensures that the social assessments we provide not only meet all planning and approval requirements but provide projects with a genuine foundation for a viable, well informed, and productive relationship with communities. We can work with you to:

  • Define the social baseline which accurately describes the current social context
  • Engage with the community and key stakeholders to identify the community values and aspirations which will frame the assessment of project impacts
  • Precisely define the actual ways in which the project will impact upon social values and assign a level of significance to such impacts
  • Work with the project proponents, government, and the community to develop practical measures which mitigate identified social impacts and realise social benefits
  • Deliver social impact management plans which implement mitigation and management measures
  • Minimise risks by defining the social impacts, the sectors of the community potentially affected, and effects can be effectively mitigated


Social management plans and community investment programs provide the framework to manage project impacts and enhance project benefits throughout all aspects of the project lifecycle. These plans and programs are the result of collaborative partnerships which are the cornerstone to enhancing project outcomes within local communities, providing mutual benefits and shared value to communities, government, and the client.


Our team has extensive expertise in designing and developing social management plans and programs which specify outreach activities to be undertaken to address community concerns and expectations. Social audits provide an opportunity to review progress towards an agreed set of communication and social objectives and goals and provide the necessary data to frame future strategic activities.


Talk to one of our global specialists about our Environmental and Social Advisory solutions.