Safe and environmentally responsible reclamation zones

Knowledge of coastal processes combined with integrated engineering skills, is the key to designing infrastructure that can withstand and adapt to climate change impacts. Our team provides concept, preliminary and detailed designs dredging and land reclamation, water diversions, environmental and social safeguards.

Our expertise in dredging and reclamation has assisted port developers, seeking to expand operations or accommodate larger ships. We have experience modifying existing navigation channels and deepening port basins.


Over time weather patterns can impact dredging maintenance programs and clients look for alternative solutions.  We undertake rigorous survey of navigation channels to assess dredging layouts and ensure material is excavated efficiently.

Our expertise

SMEC has bespoke expertise in the curation of engineering studies associated with coastal processes, breakwater modelling, hydrodynamics, hazard management and sustainable land reclamation.  We work with clients to de-risk design activities, through numerical modelling, physical modelling, geophysical investigation, and geotechnical design.


At Baía de Luanda, Angola, the bay was dredged to remove polluted sediment, establish conditions for improved tidal circulation and reclaim substantial new land areas for infrastructure, public open spaces and commercial developments.


Our dredging team also has experience in management of existing stormwater and sewage infrastructure and design of new infrastructure services.


Talk to one of our specialists about our Dredging and Reclamation solutions.