One of the potential solutions to this issue is waste-to-energy (WtE) projects, which may go some way towards also meeting the Indonesian Government’s ambitious energy targets. The Indonesia Australia Infrastructure Partnership (or Kemitraan Indonesia Australia untuk. Infrastruktur – KIAT), which is funded by the Government of Australia, conducted an Outline Business Case (OBC) of a proposed WtE project in Semarang as part of a wider project feasibility assessment. The OBC needed to be integrated to include complex technical, financial, and regulatory information and analysis.
PwC was appointed as the lead consultant in 2019 to develop the OBC and SMEC was sub-contracted to PwC in 2020 as the technical advisor for this assignment; specifically, to review relevant masterplans and studies, support preliminary studies and initial public consultation, and undertake sampling and waste composition analysis and waste characterisation. SMEC brought together a group of multi-disciplinary specialists, as well as consulted with international energy and waste contamination specialists, to successfully communicate and coordinate with stakeholders and the local community.
On completion, this project aims to minimise landfill utilisation and provide better options for waste management and potential generation of renewable energy. This is SMEC’s first WtE project in Indonesia, opening further opportunities in an emerging market.
Indonesia Australia Infrastructure Partnership