Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Hydropower & Renewable Energy Development, Pakistan
SMEC was appointed by Pakhtunkhwa Energy Development Organization (PEDO) as Project Implementation Consultants to oversee two new hydropower facilities at Gabral Kalam and Madyan Sites, approximately 45 km apart.


Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region possesses vast untapped hydropower potential, a key answer to the country’s need for reliable, affordable, and sustainable energy.  However, unlocking this potential in the scenic Swat Valley comes with a unique set of engineering and logistical hurdles. The mountainous terrain necessitates complex infrastructure challenges to construct dams, tunnels, and powerhouses, all while navigating limited access to resources and the constraints imposed by harsh winter weather.


Furthermore, developing hydropower projects requires a holistic approach. Ensuring long-term success demands meticulous planning to address potential environmental and social impacts.  This includes collaborating with local communities and regulatory bodies for project alignment and minimizing disruptions.



SMEC’s role as lead consultant includes careful review of existing detailed design / feasibility studies, refining them to deliver optimized solutions specific to the Gabral Kalam and Madyan Hydropower projects respectively. Combining these projects has enabled integrated planning in terms of energy generation, grid integration, and overall impact on the region as well as enabling synergies in terms of logistical planning, hydrological assessment, and resources.


Gabral Kalam Hydropower Plant is located on the lower Gabral River between Kanai and Kalam villages. The proposed weir site is located approximately 14km upstream of Kalam town. A 21m high concrete gravity weir will ensure reliable water control.  A 4.7km tunnel network will convey water efficiently to the surface powerhouse (88MW). Our expertise includes associated infrastructure such as access roads and bridges, essential for both construction and ongoing operations.


Madyan Hydropower Plant is located approximately 60 km from Mingora, the district headquarters of Swat Valley. The project concept is based partially diverting the flow of Swat River via a 19m high concrete gravity gated weir and approximately 12km long headrace tunnel to an underground powerhouse (215MW). Both facilities will adopt vertical Francis turbines, a common choice for high head hydropower plants. Power will be transmitted to the National Grid through 220KV transmission lines.


Flood Resilience

Following heavy flooding in August 2022, the team revised the design to incorporate enhanced flood resilience measures. Robust risk management protocols and emergency response plans were prepared to safeguard workers during extreme weather conditions.


Hydrology calculations were revised by taking into account the unprecedented 2022 floods which eventually revised the weir site location at a more feasible and wider site upstream to minimise the risk of any damages to the project components in case of future flood scenarios.



SMEC works closely with the Project Management Office, independent experts, and local stakeholders to incorporate feedback and ensure sustainability remains a focal point. Fish ladders have been incorporated into the dam design to promote fish migration and biodiversity conservation. ESIA reports have been developed as per World Bank Guidelines. A series of awareness sessions have been delivered to engage with the local community, communicating the impact of the development and the provision of Social Development Schemes.



The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Hydropower & Renewable Energy Development Project stands to deliver far-reaching benefits. Upon completion, these hydropower plants will inject significant clean energy into Pakistan’s grid, addressing power shortages and reducing reliance on costly fossil fuels. This shift promotes energy security and supports Pakistan’s transition to a greener future.


SMEC was also involved with training staff and relevant governmental departments to develop expertise in hydropower management. Advanced tools such as computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and GIS modelling have augmented the decision-making process for the client and key stakeholders.

Generation Capacity Gabral-Kalam
Crest length of concrete gravity dam
Headrace tunnel
Generation Capacity Madyan
Crest length of concrete gravity dam
Headrace tunnel


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