SMEC appointed to flood control work in Rwanda - SMEC
SMEC has been engaged by Rwanda Water Resources Board to undertake feasibility studies and detailed design for Masaka flood control.

Masaka is a wetland in Kigali which has recently been subjected to flooding putting at risk major infrastructure in the vicinity. A combination of climatic factors (heavy rainfall) and man-made activities (namely major agriculture development, industries and roads) have resulted in constant flooding and formation of a permanent stagnation in the wetland. Future plans in the area include the development of wetland ecotourism and construction of several roads and railway crossings and a freight terminal station.

SMEC’s role includes the review and updating of existing hydrologic and hydraulic models to factor in the impact of the development plans and various climate change scenarios, an assessment of the feasibility of a dyke in the Masaka wetland that can accommodate rail and road crossings, and the preparation of detailed design and related documentation for the flood control structures. SMEC will also conduct an environmental and social impact and a management plan for the dyke and the buffer zone.

We are pleased to be partnering for the first time with the Rwanda Water Resources Board on this project.