Adding to our growing track record in Georgia, SMEC’s teams have completed the detailed design of the main access road and rail link to the Anaklia Deep Sea Port.

This project is funded directly by the Government of Georgia under the Roads Department of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia (RDMRDI). The detailed design, an outcome of 14 months of work, has been approved by our client and the State Expertise Bureau.

The design covers approximately 18 kilometers of road and rail links and supporting infrastructure, including access to local roads, local rail stations, power supply and communications, lighting, and drainage channels. SMEC’s scope for both road and rail components included geodesic, geological, geotechnical and archaeological and hydrological surveys. An Environmental Impact Assessment was also prepared.

The Anaklia Deep Sea Port is currently under construction as part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Once completed, the $2.5 billion port will be the main gateway for imports for approximately 17 million inhabitants of landlocked Caucasus and Central Asian countries, and provide critical supply routes for nearly 146 million people living within the immediate region of the Port (source).

The Port represents a strategic project for Georgia and is part of Corridor 2 of the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Program, providing the shortest transit link to connect Central Asia with Europe and East Asia. It holds economic, political, and social importance not only for Georgia but also for the broader region.